The March Madness Beer Bracket Extravaganza, Round One. 64 beers enter – who will you vote in as Champion?

Alright, on the first day of Beer Tournament play, we’ll be doing the Finnigan’s Wake Regional and the Fox and Hound Regional. Tomorrow we’ll continue Round One with The Bishop’s Collar Regional and the Eulogy Belgian Tavern Regional.

A quick note on the seeding: the order of the seeds comes mostly from my own preference, with the help of a few beer-educated friends of mine. While I consider myself a beer advocate, I am by no means a connoisseur or expert. Thus, you will likely disagree with some of my rankings; I tried to take into account craftsmanship, taste, popularity, and the environment in which you are likely to partake in the beverage. All of that aside, if I preferred a beer to another in any given regional, that beer was ranked higher. Ain’t no democracy at The Pundit.

With that in mind, let’s get to the voting!

The Finnigan’s Wake Regional (Popular Brands, Lower Quality)


The Fox and Hound Regional (Popular Brands, Good Quality)

In the event of a tie, the higher-seeded beer will take home the victory. I will tally the votes at 10 PM, Thursday.


Filed under The Pattison Pundit's March Madness Beer Bracket Extravaganza!

8 responses to “The March Madness Beer Bracket Extravaganza, Round One. 64 beers enter – who will you vote in as Champion?

  1. Dan

    I need a whole bracket so I can fill it out and inform the world on what the proper picks should be. Also, #9 over anchor steam?? Some kind of east coast bias….

    • pattisonpundit

      You must be some LA guy or something. Yeah, didn’t feel like photoshopping a bracket and filling in all of the blanks – too much work. (Though it might not be for someone in advertising…hmmm…) Do feel free to leave all of your choices in the comment section…we’re all dying to see your choices, heh.

  2. This is really cool! Nice job putting this together – its interesting to see the matchups.

  3. Kimb

    finally, a sport i can get behind.

  4. James Fayleez

    Now this was actually fun.

    Nice to see the Pabst is hanging tough with Molson. We drink ice cold $2 Pabst bottles down at that Kyber bar in Old City.

    It’s a great thing when you order 6 beers and the guy says, “12 bucks please.”

  5. tom money

    $2 pbr? please $1 pbr pounders in wc

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